Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Journey to the West

We recently returned from a trip to California...Sacramento to be exact.  It was an introduction to a section of the boy got to meet cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents and I as well (never cared for the term "in laws").

I must say it was an absolutely beautiful trip.  From the adventure getting there to the people I met...amazing!

One of the things I absolutely wanted to do ever was to see Mt. Shasta.  It is the first thing that comes to mind when I hear or think California.  So, you must understand my excitement when my wife informs me that the town her people are from, Weed, California, is at the base of Mt. Shasta!  It just seems too good to be true! lol  Granted, there was no real guarantee that we were gonna have time to go to Weed...seeing that it was 3-3 1/2 hours away from Sacramento.  This is where my trip truly begins...I left Baltimore with the mindset of not having any expectations and absolutely going with the flow.

Just our flight to get to the west coast was off the chain.  There were weather issues and delays going on, and our flight left late due to "mechanical issues".  We had a connecting flight in Minneapolis, but when we got there (late!) we missed our connecting flight...we were gonna be there overnight.  The beautiful thing was because there were mechanical issues that we missed our connecting flight...the airline had to pay for our hotel and food voucher...winning!!!  I couldn't help but think had it been due to weather...3 ladies and a baby were gonna be spending the night on an airport floor...or paying for a room!

Go with the flow and no expectations...

We finally were off the next day, but not until 3 in the afternoon...OH and not to mention or flight was taking us from Minneapolis, back to Atlanta, then to Sacramento!  Did I mention we started this journey in D.C.?!

Got to Sacramento safely and was greeting at our hotel by my wife's father's fiance.  I think it was perfect that she was the first person I met of the family as well as wife's aunt and uncle the next day.  It was the aunt and uncle that gave the push to go to Weed (grateful)!

When we made it to those mountains...OMG...I was just in awe!  I was amazed that I had made it to see this thing of beauty with my own two eyes...surprised that throughout my wife's childhood, this is what she got to see most of her days...when people say it is a spiritual feel it instantly!!!  It is definitely a sight to behold!

We even stopped at a crystal and gem store in Mt. Shasta City...found a nice gift for a new friend I made Mother's Day weekend...the day after her birthday...go with the flow and no expectations...

When we made it back to Sacramento, we went to a family cookout...spent more time with fam (as it should be) and had a smooth trip back home to the east coast.

Now of course I am giving the Reader's Digest version of the trip.  I took sooooo many pictures and so many different events occurred that this blog would be so long.  Honestly, I should have blogged everyday, I was just too busy living in each and every moment...learning more about me, my wife and just US as human beings!  And also seeing how one little baby who is so true to his name, shines his light at all times! :-)

I absolutely look forward to the next adventure...going with the flow and absolutely with NO expectations!

Wake up, let it go, love and let it be! :-)

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